Chief Benja of the tribe of the Heart trained his daughter Raya to protect the orb.
Despite this, he still believes that all nations will put aside their differences and become Kumandra again.
Raya ends up befriending the daughter of the Virana chieftain of the Fang tribe, Namaari, due to their shared interest in dragons.
Namaari gives Raya a dragon-shaped pendant and she in turn shows her the position of the orb.
However, Namaari betrays Raya and soon the Fang tribe attempts to steal the orb.
The rest of the tribes find out and a fight breaks out, which brings the orb to pieces.
The Druuns suddenly awaken as each of the tribes steals a piece.
Raya tries to save Benja, but he tells her to run away with the piece of hers she has of her as she turns to stone.
That same evil has returned and it’s up to a lone warrior, Raya, to track down the legendary last dragon to restore the fractured land and its divided people.
However, along her journey, she will learn that it will take more than one dragon to save the world – it will also take trust and teamwork.
But what exactly are my personal reflections on the Disney movie Raya and the Last Dragon? Find out below my video: Personal reflections on Raya and the Last Dragon.
The IIiad and the Odyssey are two literary works written by Homer, but what have in common and in contrast the two works?
Set during the Trojan War, recounting the battles and events during the last weeks of the conflict.
The story opens with the war already underway for 10 years, where the Greeks are encamped outside the walls of the city of Troy.
Agamemnon holds a woman named Chryseis prisoner. The woman’s father offers to pay Agamemnon but Agamemnon refuses.
Apollo intervenes attacking the Greeks to whom Achilles decides not to fight.
Zeus despite that he was neutral, intervenes in favor of the Trojans.
Meanwhile, Hector, the best Trojan warrior, is hit by a giant rock thrown by Aias.
The Greeks are about to lose the war, but at a certain point Achilles‘ best friend: “Patroclus” begs Achilles to fight, but he refuses. was advancing well, keeping the Greeks going until he runs into Hector.
Afflicted by the loss of his friend, Achilles enters the war, is forged by the Greek God: “Hephaestus” a new armor.
After an arduous battle against Hector, Achilles manages to kill his rival,
but subsequently Paris shot an arrow guided by Apollo and, since the Greek God knew of Achilles’ weak point,
namely the heel, the latter was hit by the arrow, dying quickly for the wound.
Odysseus had a brilliant idea to reverse the situation, they built a giant wooden horse,
while the rest of the Greek army set sail with the ships.
while the rest of the Greek army set sail with the ships.
The Trojans believing it was a gift from the Greeks, believed they had won and let themselves go to the festivities.
During the night Odysseus and his men came out of the wooden horse, killing and massacring all the Trojans,
thus opening the doors, they gave the opportunity to let the rest of the army in, making the ships land and totally destroying Troy.
The Odyssey narrates the long journey made by Odysseus to return home, to Ithaca, after the conquest of the city of Troy.
The work also presents the events following the death of Hector, with which the Iliad ended, such as the conquest of the city of Troy, which took place through the trick of the horse devised by our protagonist.
Like the Iliad, the poem consists of 24 books in hexameters, collected in three major thematic groups:
Books I-IV: Ten years have passed since the end of the Trojan War, for which Odysseus left Ithaca when his son was still a child. Now Telemachus is about twenty years old and lives with his mother Penelope, waiting for her husband to return. In the meantime, a council of the gods meets to decide the fate of Odysseus who has been held for eight years by the nymph Calypso on the island of Ogygia. As soon as Poseidon leaves to participate in a banquet, the gods decide to allow Odysseus to return to Ithaca. Hermes will then go to Calypso to convince her to let go of our protagonist, while the goddess Athena, assuming the guise of King Mentes, goes to Telemachus, to induce him to leave in search of her father. Thus begins the story of the journey of Telemachus who goes, unbeknownst to his mother, first to one of the most venerable Greek heroes from Troy, Nestor, and then, accompanied by Pisistrato, son of Nestor, to Menelaus, to Sparta. The latter reveals to him that in Egypt he learned from the god of the sea Proteus that Odysseus is a prisoner of the nymph in Ogygia.
Books V-XII: Calypso, after receiving the order from Hermes to let Odysseus go, helps the hero in building a raft to help him leave. After a few days of smooth sailing, Odysseus is the victim of a violent storm unleashed by Poseidon. After he manages to land on the beach of the island of Scheria, where he, exhausted, falls asleep. Nausicaa, the following morning, she goes to the river where she plays ball with the maids, until she wakes up Odysseus, who asks her about the place where she is. Frightened, the servants run away: only Nausicaa listens to the hero and offers him his help, urging him to ask for hospitality from his parents. The following day a banquet is organized in his honor, and Demodocus, a cantor, tells the episodes concerning the fall of Troy and the deception of the horse: Odysseus, hearing the story of the war, weeps and Alcinoo invites him to reveal his identity. Odysseus reveals his name and begins to narrate the return from the end of the war. Here begins the long flashback through which the events of the Greek hero are retraced. After the war, Odysseus lands in the land of the Ciconi and sacks the city of Ismara, where forced to flee Odysseus lands on the island of the Lotophages, then the land of the Cyclops. Here the Greek hero and his companions are captured by Polyphemus, and Odysseus is saved by resorting to his cunning, Odysseus makes the Cyclops drunk and then blinds him with a hot pole. Odysseus and his companions, hidden under some sheep, then escape the monster. The hero then lands in the land of the Lestrigoni, cannibal giants who kill Odysseus’ crew, who flees with the only surviving ship to the island of Eea. Here the seductive sorceress Circe, in love with the protagonist, transforms the rest of the troop into pigs, to which after a stay of almost a year with the sorceress, the latter sends them to the land of the Cimmerians, from which Odysseus can descend into Hades. Here he meets many Greek heroes, including Agamemnon, Achilles and Heracles and above all the soothsayer Tiresias, who foretells him the fight against the suitors.
Poseidon from Aeneid and the Odyssey in Fedrick Fantasy Kingdom by Federico Carro